What is Antique Flooring?

Antique floors; also refered to as hand crafted or hand scraped floors represent an old tradition of hardwood floors going back several centuries when flooring was milled and finished by the hands of an artisan. The majority of hand-crafted floors in the market today of course are milled by a machine to represent that old world look. They immediately transform any environment into an old colonial one. Hand Crafted floors are usually considered for country homes and cabin but in the past few years, they have become a fashionable trend and are used with extremely modern decors.

Hand-Crafted floors are available in either solid or engineered construction and come in a wide variety of species, thicknesses that range from 3/8" to a full 1" and widths from 3" to a staggering 12". Hand-Crafted are made to withstand the test of time and usually gain beauty and character with dents and scratches so they should not be sanded or refinished in the future.

Depending on the construction; they can be nailed, glued or floated over plywood or concrete sub floors. For glue or floating installation; it is recommended that you use a skilled professional.

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Flooring 101